It is Not Just Me

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JB Mauney says that it is not just about him anymore.  He has a daughter, Bella, and he hopes to be her primary care giver.  Her presence in his life has caused him to realize his larger responsibility to someone other than himself. He is correct.


For all us who are a part of the kingdom of God it is about more than just us as an individual.  We are a part of the kingdom of God.  We are not on our own allowing our the currents of life to sweep us along.  We are called to think about our lives in terms of the kingdom of God.  How does what we do affect the kingdom of God?  Are we building up or tearing down the kingdom?


JB, like most parents, has adjusted his priorities based on having a child.  What we have to remember is that we are called to  adjust our priorities because we are children of God.  Consider your day.  Is it doing what you want, or do you consider how your life impacts the kingdom of God?  What percentage of your actions impact the kingdom?  Is there a way for you to live more fully considering the kingdom?

Sharing Surprises

English: A sleeping male baby with his arm ext...
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Last year was an eventful Christmas for at least one of my family members, and the events kept unfolding.  The family member knew that the baby was coming, and the baby was eagerly awaited by parents, grandparents, extended family, and friends.  The baby came into the world on Christmas Eve.  It was exciting and wonderful.  It was also a white Christmas.  This surprised just about everybody because it was in a place that rarely sees snow, especially for Christmas.


The baby became ill and had to spend time in a children’s hospital.  He is healthy and well now, but it was a surprise to everyone for him to have such a rocky beginning to life.  While he has only had a year of living, his life has been like many of ours.  There have been surprises of all kinds.  He needed other people to help him through the difficult times.  He needed other people to celebrate the good times.  He has family, friends, and others who want the best for him and work to provide the best for him.  He is a part of a community.


We all have times of joy and hardship.  We all need our community.  Some of that community is our family and friends.  Some of the community are people that happen to be around.  How can you help those in difficult times?  Are you willing to accept help?  Are you willing to share your life, the good and the bad, with others?


Let this be a day and a season of sharing yourself.